compile-watch is the latest Atom package I’ve been working on, it is the successor to sass-watch and takes over all the functionality of sass-watch whilst adding a lot more.
The primary improvement is that it is able to compile any kind of file as long as there is a format defined for it. So as an example I’m going to detail how I added LESS support in this post.
The first and by far most important step is to add a test for your new format.
Since LESS will be compiled in-process by Atom it will work the same as Coffee Script so the quickest solution is to copy the Coffee Script test and change coffee/js to less/css resulting in this:
describe 'LESS Watcher', ->
beforeEach ->
if fs.existsSync(path.join(__dirname, 'examples', 'test.less-css'))
fs.unlinkSync path.join(__dirname, 'examples', 'test.less-css')
waitsForPromise -> 'test.less'
runs ->
workspaceElement = atom.views.getView(atom.workspace)
editor = atom.workspace.getActiveTextEditor()
editorView = atom.views.getView(editor)
it 'should compile a file', ->
process.compileWatch.emitter.emit 'watch-file', [path.join(__dirname, 'examples', 'test.less'), path.join(__dirname, 'examples', 'test.less-css'), process.compileWatch.formats['less'], editor]
expect(fs.existsSync(path.join(__dirname, 'examples', 'test.css'))).toBe true
At this point that test will fail obviously so now its time to add the new format.
Add "less" : "2.5.0"
to package.json
and run apm install
. Less is now installed into node_modules
and is ready to be used.
Create an empty file at lib/formats/
and open it.
At the top of the file we need to require LESS,the format class and fs.
less = require 'less'
Format = require '../format'
fs = require 'fs-plus'
Next we need to define a format class which will look like this:
class LESS extends Format
this.outputFileType = "css" = "LESS"
renderFile: ->
less.render @getText(), (e, output) => @handleRender(e, output)
handleRender: (e, output) ->
if e
atom.notifications.addError("LESS Compile Error", { detail: e.message })
fs.writeFileSync @outPath, output.css
atom.notifications.addSuccess("LESS Compile completed!")
Now at the bottom of the file the class needs to be registered as the compiler for less.
process.compileWatch.formats['less'] = LESS
Run the package specs and make sure that the LESS format works as it should and that nothing else has been broken by adding the LESS format.
Open a pull request on the github repository I will merge it assuming everything looks right with it.
You can view the full commit here which has everything I added in.