This site has just had a pretty major re-design which I am intending to be the start of me writing a lot more here.
I do loads of cool things in my day job that deserve to be shared, if only to save some other poor soul the time of discovering the source of the fault.
I do have quite a few articles that never got published for one reason or another which needs to stop.
I have a few projects that are actively used by the community which I have regrettably neglected over the past few months and that needs to change. I have a few ideas for improvements that also need to be brought into the world.
ADAuth I’m sorry to say is dead to me, along with the ruby language in general. I haven’t worked in ruby for over a year now (aside from the odd dips into rails c
) and to work on ADAuth again would require a fair bit of re-learning which due to it being a security/authentication gem isn’t safe in my opinion.
We only use it in one Rails App now which is in the process of being re-written for Node.
I am happy to pass on any knowledge I can about how it works to anyone looking to replace it.
I’m not sure about this project, I lost my need for it short term but I may pick it back up soon.
Jekyll-Atom is one of my more popular packages and it needs some love and attention.
In no particular order my ideas:
Motorway is working well and is improving the way my projects look and feel.
I’m pretty happy with where sodb is, it works really well and is pretty fast. Its development tends to be fueled by what I need it to do in other projects.
I’m doing a lot at the moment with Windows 10 as I suspect most IT Engineers are which is shaping most of my work.
I have a long list of Domain Rebuilds to do at the moment which again is giving me plenty of time for experimentation so there should be some posts coming from that.