Adam Laycock

Adam Laycock

EdTech Network Manager & Developer

Back to Jekyll

So after a few years bouncing around Gatsby, NextJS, and even Remix I’ve made my way back to Jekyll.

It might seem odd that a developer who works mainly in JavaScript and TypeScript would go with Jekyll/Ruby over a jaunt back to Gatsby. Personally I do use Jekyll for documentation sites and my recent usage there has really shown how simple Jekyll can be.

My main reason for moving off Jekyll in the past was to get more features and grow the site into some monstrous feature heavy thing that in hindsight was too much for a few posts and a landing page or two.

GitHub Actions

With GitHub Actions (not exctly new), I can build the site then publish it through GitHub pages. This is much more powerful than GitHub pages by itself. I’ve made my own plugin tags which would not be possible if I was just using pages to build the site.

I’m happy with the site now, which I haven’t been for a while. Certainly the last incarnation that had its posts off in a 3rd party API.